Thursday, May 5, 2016

We have a winner! Boyd won the sports and game raffle basket at school. I guess writing his name(first and last, plus his teachers name) on 200 tickets paid off. It has been so much fun playing with everything in the house during our rainy last week.

The bucket basket is cool too.

The bowling set was one of the main reasons he wanted this particular basket and it hasn't disappointed. SO much fun. Oh and not pictured but equally fun VOLLEYBALL. Been playing inside while holding our breath. Good thing we don't own many breakables.

A neighbor found this friend on her walk to the bus so we swept up the toad aquarium and kept him until after school. He sure liked Boyd.

Must have known Boyd is a turtle lover.
 Totally side notes: Last homework packet of the school year came home this week.
Also, Boyd is constantly thinking. The other day he asked who invented saying cheese when people get their picture taken. He thinks cheese must mean something in some other language. Or do other languages say something else when smiling for a picture? Food for thought. We are also enjoying Gramps visit and need to snag a few photos. He is off at lunch with Boyd as I send this update.

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