Friday, May 20, 2016

Father Time

The other night while Boyd was in the shower he called me in to look at his latest bathing time creation.. see below. Since his skin is/was always too sensitive for bubble bath, body wash is apparently the next best thing. My sister Emily and I definitely used to do this in the bath as kids. But for some reason his beard stopped me in my tracks and made me think about how fast time was passing.  Boyd, I wish I could slow down time with you. I know I can't, but every phase of your life has brought us closer together and I love you so much. I know you are maturing into a remarkable 7 year old and I am proud of you.

He is also perceptive. The other night he called me out her is one of many exchanges when he keeps me on my toes:
Boyd: Mom why are you brushing your teeth?
Me: To get the Italian seasoning out.
Boyd: You wouldn't be brushing your teeth if you weren't going to the meeting would you.
Me: (Guilty) Ok, so I guess I am brushing my teeth because I am going to a meeting.

Another recent characteristic has become his ability to think of others. Yesterday he had a field trip to the Richmond Children's Museum, Thursday is a big training day for me so I wasn't able to chaperone, but I know he knew how much I wished I could accompany him. As he hopped off the bus in the afternoon he was carrying a recycled project. He exclaimed, "Mom, this is for you. You can  put your carrots under here and your hummus in here. It was so sweet and thoughtful. He named it something fancy too but I'm blanking at the moment. A picture of my gift will be posted soon.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

We cherished every minute we were able to spend with our wonderful neighbors and friends before they moved. Sadly they are an ocean away as of Sunday. We snuck in some extra play time last Friday. They didn't let a little bit of rain get in the way of their typical outdoor fun. Rubber duck, turtle, and frog races. When one got away we traveled the path less taken and stumbled upon a new friend. The pictures are a little out of order.

On the way to running club. Sadly we needed hat and gloves Monday but Boyd quickly warmed up.

I had to post this picture because one of Boyd's chores is taking the recycling out to the garage recycling bin as well as helping me take the cans out on trash/recycling day. The other day I went into the garage and saw this. We had to discuss that taking the recycling out to the recycling bin also means the products go inside even if the lid is closed. I had to laugh.

I mentioned before that these now ocean apart friends found a new friend off the beaten path. Introducing, Mini Kratt. Boyd and Marshall were often Chris and Martin Kratt from the Wild Kratt's so I think they named the turtle perfectly. 

Making observations in their notebooks and writing their names on Mini Kratt's shell in hopes they see her again. I think this was when Boyd accidentally drew on his chin bone.

She was also an escape artist and managed to push the red water bowl up as a ramp and climb out, and get the lid off and out a different time. We let her go over night and Boyd found her the next day. 

I love these observations of Boyd's . She was indeed shy at first but warmed up to us.  She is an Eastern Box turtle. Boyd found out that her shell was hard while Marshall carried her up to the car he somehow clonked Boyd in the head with her without his or my knowledge. We heard Boyd let out a soft whiny eh and we thought he was complaining about a water drop and immediately said, It's just water from the trees. He replied, He hit me in the head with the turtle." Then we all started laughing over how funny that sounded coming out. Maybe you had to be there but I am still getting a giggle.
It was difficult and emotional to say goodbye to Marshall and his family but we wish them the best. With our final goodbye Boyd said wait, and ran to get Marshall one final parting gift...the Mega Swampert pokemon card Marshall always wanted to trade for. After an afternoon of tears from both Boyd and I over their move Boyd and I were relaxing together and he said, "Mom, It's not that I wanted to get rid of that card, but I knew in my heart it was the right thing to do." It was buddy, it was. So proud of the boy Boyd is becoming. 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Boyd loves to play basketball and really enjoys playing at our new rec center. Getting much stronger and finding success at the regulation height hoops.  He also feels pretty cool shooting hoops with the big kids

Mothers Day treats. Finally a break in the rain to  strawberry pick.

Gramps was here.

Baskets and soon to be bellies full of strawberries.

First ice cream at Braehead of the season!!! The biggest ice cream cone EVER.

New hair cut. SO nice to see his eyes again. Hanging out at the park before the gym opens. He also said to me, "I think I am more of a cross country runner than track. Mom, were you better at cross country? Which one does Grandpa Ramsey teach? I think it runs in my blood." Yup.

Boyd is getting so tall and smart. He works so hard and is generally such a wonderful and fun person to be around. Can't get enough of this kid. And while I type this he is singing and dancing in the shower. Never a dull moment. 

Thursday, May 5, 2016

We have a winner! Boyd won the sports and game raffle basket at school. I guess writing his name(first and last, plus his teachers name) on 200 tickets paid off. It has been so much fun playing with everything in the house during our rainy last week.

The bucket basket is cool too.

The bowling set was one of the main reasons he wanted this particular basket and it hasn't disappointed. SO much fun. Oh and not pictured but equally fun VOLLEYBALL. Been playing inside while holding our breath. Good thing we don't own many breakables.

A neighbor found this friend on her walk to the bus so we swept up the toad aquarium and kept him until after school. He sure liked Boyd.

Must have known Boyd is a turtle lover.
 Totally side notes: Last homework packet of the school year came home this week.
Also, Boyd is constantly thinking. The other day he asked who invented saying cheese when people get their picture taken. He thinks cheese must mean something in some other language. Or do other languages say something else when smiling for a picture? Food for thought. We are also enjoying Gramps visit and need to snag a few photos. He is off at lunch with Boyd as I send this update.