Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Boyd's first hunting experience

Getting geared up.
This post is full of surprises. Our animal loving child who won't even let people order lobster at dinner went Pheasant hunting. Shocking I know. Even more shocking, he loved it. Our dear neighbor, Doug, across the street had invited Adam on and annual hunting outing after Christmas. Boyd had been invited but we declined. The  morning of I was talking to Boyd about our day, which to be honest wasn't fun (a crazy mommy work day),  when he suddenly said, "I want to go hunting with Dad." Adam and I exchanged looks like ehh what do you think and I spoke up saying he would have to ask Mr. Doug since he had arranged the trip and it was very last minute. Well, Boyd did and Mr. Doug was thrilled. He pulled out all his son Sloan's old gear (he actually said he had already pulled it thinking Boyd would have fun with it and his nerf gear). The boys were all pumped. Then Boyd came home and started getting cold feet. I told him he couldn't back out now because everyone was counting on him and were all excited. We read a new book from Santa about facing problems and seeing them as opportunities (social stories work people) and he was feeling better about the idea. Adam helped him get ready and as soon as he grabbed his lunch pail and headed across the street, I felt like he had grown up 5 years. He was one of the guys. I thought he might cry, puke, tantrum, or spoil the trip but low and behold I received the following pictures from Adam and the report that he loved it. My sensory challenged child actually held a dead pheasant and let them put one down his overall-disgusting but huge.  When he got home he couldn't stop talking about the trip and how Sloan had shot one in the head and he saw brain, etc. He wanted to go again the next day.  True he wasn't doing the shooting but he sure proved me wrong and we have at least a pheasant hunter on our hands. A huge thank you to Doug and Adam for being brave enough to take them with them and props to Boyd for shocking us all (Tammie, Doug's wife was equally surprised). 

The first photo I received from Adam. Look at that look on his face.

Then this one with Mr. Doug. My mouth dropped. Pheasant in hand.

I have no idea what they are doing to that bird.

That face. The crew of kids that went along with their dad's (minus Sloan who made the grown up status). Adam said he thought having all the other kids around probably made a huge difference in his attitude and experience.

Pheasant hunting is exhausting. Boyd fell asleep while I was reading James and the Giant Peach.

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