Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Boyd 4rd Grade Exit Questions and Answer

What do you want to be when you grow up? Professional snowboarder or design for Vineyard Vines

What’s your favorite color?  Aqua

Favorite Animal: Whale

If you could have a pet what would it be?  A lobster

If you could travel to one place where would it be? Your arms, Colorado to snowboard

Favorite thing to do outside? Snowboarding, Go Ape and Manhunt

Favorite thing to do inside?  Video games and indoor basketball and playing with babies

Favorite place you have ever been?  My bed. It is where people spend most of our time

Best memories of the school year. My friend Murphy; he was funny

Worst memories of the school year.  When he had to move away

Favorite food? Grilled cheese sandwich

Favorite Book? Fun Jungle

Favorite toys? I don’t do toys anymore

How has life changed? I’m getting a baby.

Interests: Ice Hockey, snowboarding, Vineyard Vines, Video games

Favorite sport: Snowboarding, Soccer, Basketball

Favorite movie: Avengers End Game

How fast do you think you will run a mile next year? 5:42 or faster

What are you looking forward to doing this summer? Shooting off fireworks

What was the best thing about Mr. Alvarez?  His stories and 3D printer

What's one thing that you taught your friends? I taught the baby friends how to roll over

How many inches will you grow this year?   2 inches and beyond

What are your goals for this year? To be better at everything

What makes you unique? I’m just an average Joe

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