Thursday, March 2, 2017

March came in like a lion

The other night Boyd and I received his March monthly homework calendar and did all but four of the boxes (when he is in the mood for homework we go for it). One box asked, "What do you think this saying means? 'March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb." Boyd said he thought it meant the weather was stormy, colder, wilder and then at the end of the month, calm.  Then yesterday March 1 arrived and boom did it prove to come in like a lion. A short strong storm blew in around 1:15 and Boyd had to endure his first storm at school. Boyd is very afraid of storms (this might be a gross understatement). The house was rocking and the rain was pelting the windows so hard I contemplated going to school to check on him but didn't think it was safe to go driving in and I reminded myself would't be able to check on him during every school storm so I waited it out and hoped for the best. Luckily the storm passed quickly. When Boyd got home he said it had been a rough day. He cried during the storm, but two friends had been kind. One cried with him because she doesn't like when other people cry and then she drew him a picture of a rainbow when the storm had stopped and another friend drew a picture and did some glued pieces which Boyd wouldn't let me forget to tell others as I recounted the story last night. I probably didn't help that Boyd recounted what he had learned in school that day since they must be studying weather, "Mom, we had just learned that strong thunderstorms could cause tornadoes.  A trip to the book fair after school helped ease the pain of the day and Boyd is certainly growing up, skipping the picture book section all together and settling on a collection of sports record books, an Ultimate Survival Guide book (Adam was like oh this one is cool, I read these as a kid), two comic books discussed as a graphic novel and a set of Judy Blume book (thank goodness).  As we settled in to do some homework for the night, an Italian menu to go with his report on Italy and gelato, the lights flickered on and off rapidly for about 2 minutes before going out for good. After the initial panic from Boyd (it was wind related), he settled down. We gathered out flashlights, a candle and our neighbor reminded us about our lantern. So Boyd was like a kid in the olden days without a quill pen. He finished his menu and we cuddled with a flashlight and read one of his graphic novel/comic books together while receiving photos from Mimi and Grandpa at the Bucks game. At night we headed to bed and Boyd quickly fell asleep. The power went back on sometime in the night and we awoke to a sunny yet windy and cold day. Life goes on but I think I'll take some lamb weather.

 I also wanted to record some funny things Boyd has said recently. I was reminded yesterday after he was going through one of his sports books and announced, "Oh my gosh! I would NOT have wanted to play basketball when Michael Jordan played, those shorts are tiny." His vocal inflections we hilarious.

Mom, Van Gogh painted pictures of naked people. Why did he do that? I was looking through a Van Gogh book with Travis in the library and we got to a page with a naked person on it and I screamed and slammed the book shut. (Please do this during your teenage years as well)

Boyd was talking about him being in college and working towards a career when I interjected, "I thought you were taking me to college with you." He replied, "Oh yeah (pause) but what if we're not roommates?"

I know there have been others recently but I am terrible at remembering if I don't write them down. I know one had to do with grape juice and the Blood of Christ so if I told you that story and you remember, remind me. This kid is constantly cracking me up.

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